Get the Guidance You Need to Become a "Future Enterprise"
Let IDC’s guides help you lead your digital transformation journey, outlining key stages, requirements and goals for IT leaders.

Where do I start?
Simply choose a Future Enterprise topic from below to see related Guides, or learn more about Future IT and your organization’s maturity.
Future IT Self-Assessment
Take the IDC Future IT Maturity Assessment, to see how you compare with peers.
Future Enterprise Planning Guides
Select Planning Guides that most benefit you from topics from Ops to Innovation.
Future IT Maturity Assessment
Organizations can’t transform to a Future Enterprise without the foundation of Future IT.
Digital Enterprise Research
Digital Enterprise
CIOs set the IT organization on the right course and enable their Future Enterprise to build resiliency and thrive in the next normal.
Create Pervasive Experiences
Pivot Operations from throughput and Efficiency to Market-Responsive
Customer Experience
Create Empathy with Customers at Scale
Industry Ecosystems
Define the New Value in the Digital Economy
Engender Trust with Customers
Digital Infrastructure
Ensure Reliable Digital Services and Experiences
Develop into an Intelligent Organization
Create a Dynamic Work Model