IDC Future Enterprise Awards
The rise of Generative AI marks a pivotal moment – a catalyst for an “AI Everywhere” revolution. In the coming years, every organization will be undergoing another business transformation. This time it will not be focused on becoming a Digital-First Business, but rather an AI-Fueled Business.
The Future Enterprise in the AI Everywhere era is an AI-Fueled Business.
With the race to becoming an AI-fueled organization in full swing, the IDC Future Enterprise Awards will continue its legacy in the search for AI-Fueled Enterprises that are leading the way as the world continues to transform and enter the digital business era.

IDC Future Enterprise Awards Asia Pacific: By The Numbers
9th Year
Asia/Pacific’s digital agenda since its inception in 2017.
4,000+ Unique Organizations
That are trailblazers with their distinctive tech initiatives
700+ Winners
That rose above the rest, on the back of their digitalization success.
13 Countries
Submitted nominations across regions Asia Pacific
What’s in it for you?
It’s not just about being the best—it’s about getting access to tools that will help your organization keep getting better.
Asia/Pacific Japan Winning Use Cases
Learn about their accomplishments and successfully implemented digital-first enterprise strategies in the reports below. To learn more speak to an Analyst about the winning project.
Spotlight Categories
Special Awards Categories
Smart Cities Categories
Persona & Future Enterprise of the Year Categories
News and Media
What’s new and everything related to IDC Future Enterprise Awards Asia Pacific over the years.